Teaching Zone

Useful phrases

Introduction – Acknowledging or briefly summarize your reader’s problems:



  • I am sorry to hear that you are bullied at school.

  • I know it is very difficult for you to make new friends when you are new to the school.

  • I would like to call your attention to the serious cyber addiction problem that teenagers face recently.

Main Body – Analyzing your reader’s problems:



  • In your letter (or email), you mentioned that your friends called you different nicknames and picked on your size. You said you were a bit over-weight and maybe that’s why they did that to you. However, true friends should not judge each other base on their looks but their personalities (such as being kind and understanding etc.) Therefore, what they did was wrong and inconsiderate.

  • Apparently, teenagers spend way more time than they should on the Internet every day. According to the recent report, over 75% of teenagers spend more than 5 hours per day on the Internet or social media platforms. This not only poses an adverse effect on students’ academic performances, but also causes various health problems like dry-eyes, headaches and backaches etc.

Main Body – Provide our suggestions:



  • You should try to express your feelings and frustrations to your friends calmly.

  • Why don’t you seek advice from professionals, like a trusted teacher or the social worker at your school? I am sure they can give you some professional advice.
  • A feasible way to solve this problem is to organize an education campaign with the aim of teaching teenagers how to have a better self-control when using the Internet.

Conclusion - Show encouragement and support:



  • Don’t lose hope! Everything is going to be alright.

  • I hope you would feel better soon. I will check on you in a few days to see how you get on.

  • I hope that you will find my suggestions useful.

  • If all related parties can work hand- in-hand, we can stop cyber addiction in no time.